The other day my daughter was telling me a story about her two year old. As her husband was going to the car to go to work, carrying Jackson, his laptop, diaper bag, and cookies for Jackson's birthday party at school, he noticed a car had parked too close to him to get in on the carseat side. Like many of us, the word that came out of his mouth, ("crap" in this case) was not one you'd want your two year old repeating. He glanced at Jackson, hoping he hadn't noticed. As he got everything in the car and finally clicked the seatbelt onto Jackson, Jackson said, "crap". So much for not noticing! He didn't react and just hoped he'd forget that word. That evening he was telling my daughter what had happened as Jackson stood at the refrigerator playing with his magnetic letters. She slapped his arm, playfully as they laughed about it. Jackson looked over at them and said, "No hitting, Mommy." Ooops again! Then he casually walked over to her and hit her on the leg and then hit his dad and walked off.
We all had a good laugh at this story, but I was reminded again how important it is to set good examples for our kids. Sure, it's so obvious when they are two and repeat everything we say and do. How often do we see other maybe more hidden traits or characteristics that have been because of the examples we have set? Do they complain? Do they procrastinate? Do they show love and respect to older people? Sure we try to teach them with all the right words, but what examples are we SHOWING them? If we are not forgiving, if we hold a grudge, how can we expect our children to forgive each other or their friends when evil is done towards them? The list goes on and on. Praying that today I will be a godly example to my children, so they can see Him and not my failures!
ReplyDeleteThank you for checking out my blog and for your encouraging comments. This post really convicted me of what type of example I am setting with Sophia. This post plus the fact that she's been scolding her little lovie alot lately. It's really made me rethink my tone of voice as of late. :)